A Little About Miss Kramer

Hi! My name is Michelle.  My family and friends call me Shelly, and for about 8 hours a day I am Miss Kramer.  I teach 5th grade at Eastbury Elementary School in Glastonbury, CT.  I started this official teaching journey 7 years ago, although my unofficial teaching resume dates back to 1992 when I would play school with my sister and cousins.  Of course, I was always the teacher!  Yep - I am one of those cliché teachers who always wanted to be a teacher, although I tried dabbling with other professions along the way.  These include a cashier, hair stylist and fashion designer, all three of which still exist inside me and come to the surface from time to time.  However, I have learned over the years that teaching is one of the most rewarding jobs a person can have.  After all, we make over six figures, can earn bonuses, and don't have to deal with unrealistic demands.  Kidding.  Most teachers (I say most because there are a few duds who blemish our reputation) teach because it's exciting, challenging, fun, fulfilling and we get summers off (not really- I, like 80% of the teaching world, work during the summer)!  In my opinion, there is nothing better than being able to spend each day with a bunch of 10 year old children who think the world of me, especially because adults are a little harder to win over. Teaching fifth grade, just like teaching any other grade, has its ups and downs.  However, when you weed through all of the "other stuff" we have to do as teachers (things non teachers would be astonished if they knew about, especially because they think we just play for 8 hours a day, skip out the door at 3, and leave it all behind us) you are left to do one of the most important jobs - teach, mold, create and nurture the future of the world.  Clearly this is not a mission for the faint of heart, but rather for the special population of smart, flexible, compassionate, intuitive, patient, resourceful, creative and understanding individuals we know as teachers.  This blog is my story of my crazy but amazing life as a fifth grade teacher. 
In his picture I am about to climb the rock wall with my students during our 3 day field trip to promote outdoor education and celebrate diversity.
Please note: this picture was posed, I don't really wear my pants like that!

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